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Your child will need a school uniform. School uniform is smart, reasonably priced. It enables pupils to feel part of the school. 

Our School's uniform consists of;

  • Black or grey skirt or trousers;
  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan (plain or with School logo);
  • White polo shirt;
  • A red and white checked/striped dress or grey or black shorts may be worn in summer.

Footwear must be sensible and preferably black; children must not wear flip-flops, or any shoes with high-heels. Do not give your child lace-up shoes if they cannot tie the laces!

The uniform for P.E. kit is black shorts and red or white T-shirt. Your child will need black plimsolls, the elasticated, or velcro type. (These can be purchased at supermarkets or a store of your choice).

Please ensure that all your child’s clothes and P.E. kit are marked with your child’s name.

Big bags should not be used for PE kit. PE bags, on a string, are ideal.

For the playground, a sun hat is required in summer and sensible footwear, and warm clothes and sturdy shoes for winter. 

Logo'd sweatshirts, cardigans, book bags and P.E. bags can be purchased through Prestige Design  they deliver regularly to school. 

Plain uniforms can be purchased at supermarkets or a store of your choice.

If you need help buying uniforms, please contact Level Trust Uniform Exchange.